

Caught a game of Infinity a while back and my mojo has returned. New toy here for the nomads. The indomitable Task Master. For those in the know, this character comes with BS 13, Arm 5, BTS 6, W 2, Minelayer, Dodge + 1” and Martial Arts Lvl 1. Loadouts feature krazy koalas, tin bots and heavy weaponry.


Here she is featured amongst the other skull-motif characters.


This is the link team which I’m most excited to use her in. Paired with 3 Riot Girls and a Vostok Remote, she will lug around a Burst 5 HMG & Shock Mines.


The link team includes a specialist, a Rocket Launcher to fight tags, a -6 firewall, and a REM with -6 mimetism.


Archiving the below demon as the first ever 28mm miniature painted by my son. He’s a “bad guy!” with a rainbow t-shirt.

Designing Wargaming Trading Cards

Designing Wargaming Trading Cards

Urban Hell

Urban Hell