Talabheim Showcase

Talabheim Showcase

High on life, walking through the vendors of Hot Lead 2019, I noticed two gentlemen playing some version of 15mm mass-fantasy-battle. This was the first time I truly noticed smaller scale miniatures. They were beautiful, fun, and tiny.


I purchased two armies in March of 2019, and started painting them 5 months ago. I have now finished both sets, plus a table of matching terrain.


I wrestled over the colour scheme. Altdorf was a close second, but actual photographs on image searches were mostly a let down. I guess I understand why Talabheim is so prevalent. It’s tough to beat that coca-cola look!


The banners were mostly lifted from “Uniforms & Heraldry of The Empire”. A really handy book if you’re putting together such a force.

Flag Inspiration.jpg

Putting the figures on each base is by far the most fun part of the process. Moving from 28 to 15, it feels like building multiple dioramas. Having now tried out 6mm , 15s seem huge by comparison.


Here is the army list for the force using Kings of War 2nd Edition.


Next time we will take a look at the completed Orc army! Thanks for reading.

Crooked Eye Tribe Showcase

Crooked Eye Tribe Showcase

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