Angrislaug, The Last Dragon
This piece drove me back to my computer chair to play video games. About 60% of the way through the paint job I put down my brush, instead of introducing this scaly prick to the wall via two-seam fastball. This post by the Leadplague blog inspired me to just grit and bear it. I’m happy i did, because this marks the last of my huge Mierce figures to be painted. I was beginning to wonder if I would ever top this mountain which I started up in February of 2018.
Now onto a huge pile of Terrain from Infinite Dimensions Games.
Angrislaug came in at number 4 on my list of top 10 dragons , but after painting him I would say that he probably deserves to come in at the #2 spot.
So why is he the last Dragon? Because I’m not painting anymore of the dang things!